How to Increase Your Local Search Rankings with Google My Business and Google Plus

Increase local search rankings with google apps

All businesses strive to connect with their local community and customers. The internet has created a landscape for businesses to showcase their offerings and closely understand their most loyal customers. Local search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the digital age’s most vital tools and should be leveraged to optimize your firm’s local results. Google My Business and Google Plus play a tremendous role into your brands presence in local Google search results. Continue reading »

San Francisco Bay Area SEO & Social Marketing

Best value in advertising today

Social media marketing is hundreds of times less expensive than other traditional marketing ventures such as print, radio and TV, while providing an immediate real time access to millions of people and potential clients on demand.  Social media marketing is one of the only media marketing opportunities that offers direct marketing to only your market segmentation. This saves time and money. Continue reading »

Do you know what Google, Yahoo and Bing just did?

When Google talks, SEO marketers listen. When Google, Bing and Yahoo all talk at the same time and talk the same message, the world listens.
Yesterday, the big three announced a joint venture that has everyone’s attention. The launch of a new website- and the new markup standard that’s going to make web developers and SEO freaks very happy. Continue reading »

Bay Area Social Media Marketing and Yelp

Is Yelp right for your San Francisco Bay Area company?

We are asked all the time by small companies if they should advertise on Yelp or even pay attention to Yelp at all. In our opinion, the answer depends on the type of company you have.

The first answer (regardless of your company type) is yes, pay attention to Yelp. You probably have a Yelp listing weather you want one or not, so at least take control of your Yelp account and set it up right. You also want to keep an eye on it and see if and what kind of reviews you might be getting. We’ve seen many times when a company has had a half dozen reviews on their company and didn’t even know it. Sometimes this has been good news and sometimes very bad news when the reviews were negative or about another company, thought to be yours! Also, Yelp listings rank pretty well on Google, so you can enhance your social media presents and search engine rankings by making sure your Yelp account is setup right with the right company information and key words. Continue reading »

Best at search engine optimization (SEO)

The Bay Area company that’s best at search engine optimization (SEO) Every successful company finds and recognizes their unique niche that makes them stand out from the competition. KO Websites knew… Continue Reading »

How to pick a San Francisco Bay Area SEO company

SEO video From KO Websites & SEOPRO’s Choosing a good SEO company or consultant can be complicated. The SEOPRO’s offers this free insightful information on how to choose a great SEO company…. Continue Reading »