The Big 3 Must Haves for Local Search Digital Marketing

local business digital marketing plans

Digital Marketing for Local Businesses Should Start with 3 Big Listing Sites

mobile web design SEO photoIf your local business doesn’t come up on search engines, especially Google’s, it might as well not exist. While there may still be a few businesses out there that get by on word-of-mouth and long-term clientele, if you want to grow your existing business or start a new business one of your first marketing steps should be digital marketing to start building an online presence. Continue reading »

Beginner SEO Tip – Improve Your Data by Using Filters in Google Analytics

Bay Area SEO company

So you’ve been working on your organic SEO and you’re starting to see more traffic to your site, this is normally a great sign. What you’re doing is starting to get the search engine’s attention! However, you shouldn’t take increased site traffic at face value. You need to do a little digging and preventative work to ensure that your traffic is real, earned, quality traffic that you want. Continue reading »